Our Background
Mark Lee started in the motorcycle business around 1980 with Honda of Statesboro, enjoyed putting new units together and just doing odds and ends around the store. Later he progressed to repairing all bikes and ATVs.
After quitting with Honda around 1992, I started my own repair shop at home, building a very good reputation over the years for good work at a reasonable price. That got us to thinking about a dealership later on, so my wife and I bought some land on Hwy 80 East and built the store you see today. We still repair most all makes and models of ATVs and bikes, but mostly sales/service of side by sides now are the bulk of our business.
My son Josh Lee has grown up in the business and also races bikes pretty hard on weekends. My technician Justin Daughtry has been with us since 2000, keeping all the units running in top condition.